Home > Uncategorized > Phonegap collaborator cannot install IOS app (app rolls back after partial install)

Phonegap collaborator cannot install IOS app (app rolls back after partial install)

The problem: You used Phonegap build to build your app and it is working great on your iPhone. You are super excited and you email your friend/collaborator/tester the QR code to download the app. But the app doesn’t install on his phone. At first it appears that the app is installing but right about 70% through the install it rolls back itself.

The solution: I struggled for hours with this. And since I am an IOS developer, I knew this was something to do with the provisioning profile (since I had experience similar issues with testflightapp.com in the past). I remembered that with testflightapp, all I had to do was make sure I login to Apple developer portal–> go to provisioning profiles and make sure my friend’s device ID was added to the ADHOC provisioning profile. In this particular case he was very much there but was still facing issues. In the end I realized, that Phonegap docs say that you should upload your developer cert and developer provisioning profile to Phonegap to share the app with others. Once I did this it worked like a charm. (Make sure your friend’s device ID is added to the developer provisioning profile though)

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  1. July 23, 2012 at 7:23 pm

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